How Much Green Tea to Lose Fat?

There has been too much hype about the benefits of green tea. Besides, how fast and how effective is the green tea in manifesting its acclaimed benefits has become such a highly contentious. However, all these are truths and correct suppositions about the benefits of tea. Weight loss has become a major attraction in the health segment. Millions of people are optimistic to indulge in weight loss programs. The debut of this tea as one of the most lenient products that can assist in losing weight has made them throng stores and chemists seeking supplements associated with this type of tea.

However, if one wants to shed those extra pounds from his body, a dietary supplement of green tea is the most effective yet most lenient supplement. Two, to loose mega pounds one should substitute the high calories caffeine and sugar levels he consumes for tea. Expert advice about consumption of this tea is varied. However, it is recommended that some substantial measures of tea a day would greatly contribute to the well being of the body. The consistent intake of tea amounts to the loss of about 7-8 pounds in a year without any strenuous exercise or activity.

\"lose Fat\"

This type of tea helps the body burn more fat through the body metabolism. Increased metabolism leads to effective weight loss. The context here is that, the more the body burns fats and the cholesterol in the body, the more it looses the weight held by these fats. Two, more metabolism strengthens and shrinks the muscles into more healthy, stable and powerful state hence leads to a trim attractive and firm figure.

How Much Green Tea to Lose Fat?

Doctors and experts have conclusively agreed that, to achieve this optimal health state, an ordinary person should take 3-5cups of green tea every day. This would immensely contribute to achieving these health benefits goals. 3-5 cups of tea every day helps the body burn an extra 70 calories every day. As such if one can couple the tea supplement with some simple exercises, then the benefits of tea would be more achievable and more pronounced.

How Much Green Tea to Lose Fat?

If you are looking for green tea weight loss, please visit: